Monday, August 24, 2020
Law - Juvenile Delinquents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Law - Juvenile Delinquents - Essay Example In 2008, 180,100 adolescent captures were made comparable to tranquilize infringement, which comprised of 15 percent of all out adolescent captures that year (Puzzanchera, 2009). These insights further feature this is a seven percent decrease in sedate related captures somewhere in the range of 2007 and 2008. Simultaneously, sedate infringement captures spoke to 11 percent of all out adolescent captures. Most of medication related captures comprised of male violators contrasted with females. In 1994, medicate infringement with male guilty parties out of nowhere spiked, however have remained moderately consistent since 2002 with just peripheral decreases year-on-year. For female violators, medicate misuse captures have likewise remained basically consistent since 1997, after an abrupt spike in captures around 1993, with minor declines year-by-year. In 2008, the conditions of Illinois, Maryland, and Wyoming kept up the most noteworthy capture rates in the nation (Puzzanchera, 2009). Ac cording to attack captures, the volume of adolescent capture for basic ambushes perceived no expansion or lessening from 2007 (Puzzanchera, 2009). ... For guys, per 100,000 captures, straightforward attack captures were roughly totaled around 900. Regardless of male decays from 1999, 2008’s capture records delineate that basic ambushes are commanded by male adolescent guilty parties. According to add up to 2008 captures, guys more than females were the most noticeable guilty parties in all classifications of infringement, with 70 percent male and 30 percent female. Theft and murder were ruled by blacks comparable to captures made for whites and other ethnic gatherings for these infringement. The Violent Crime Index shows that blacks adolescent captures were 500 percent of white adolescent captures from 2004-2008. This has huge ramifications for the dark ethnic gathering as the whole adolescent populace in America in 2008 comprised of 78 percent white and just 16 percent dark. Asian/Pacific Islanders made up just five percent of the adolescent populace in 2008, while American Indians spoke to just a minimal one percent of the populace. With these extraordinary proportions of roughly 5:1 for fierce wrongdoing captures among blacks and whites individually, this demonstrates a potential equity standing issue or social issue with the dark populace that lone makes up 16 percent of the all out 2008 adolescent populace. Female burglary capture rates expanded 51 percent from 2002 to 2008. Simultaneously, the female exasperated ambush capture rates expanded 80 percent from 1980 to 2008, however this was a 17 percent drop from 1999 to 2008. Robbery burglary, thought about a brutal wrongdoing by the Department of Justice, demonstrated stamped increments in female adolescent guilty parties of four percent, while male adolescent partners indicated a huge 29 percent decline somewhere in the range of 1999 and 2008.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Genetically Engineered Crops Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Hereditarily Engineered Crops - Essay Example The exposition plots the hereditary building for agricultur. The U. S., British, and different governments that imagine the biotechnology segment as the rush of things to come, and as a methods for expanding their national intensity, have unequivocally bolstered the business and its endeavors to market (and standardize) these new advancements. They have committed extensive entireties of cash to biotechnology look into (Gottweis 1998), taken critical steps to deregulate the business (Wright 1994), and tried to advance the spread of U. S.- style protected innovation rights in the World Trade Organization. The U. S. government specifically has additionally advanced the spread of agrarian biotechnology in creating nations through the U. S. Office for International Development. With so much financial and political muscle driving them, it isn't astounding that GE crops hit the ground running when they went onto the scene in the mid-1990s. In any case, is astounding that the fast developmen t in GE crop arrangement has been coordinated by a similarly surprising (and maybe verifiably uncommon) multiplication of residents' voices testing the biotechnology business on monetary, ecological, social, and good grounds. Surely, some time before transgenic crops advanced toward the market, people and gatherings worried about the dispersal of these new advances were at that point scrutinizing their security, utility, and need. Advances in hereditary qualities have arrived at a phase where rearing plans would now be able to be increased with the utilization of various innovations.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Classes, musicals, teaching, research, sports, and wisdom tooth surgery.
Classes, musicals, teaching, research, sports, and wisdom tooth surgery. Disclaimer: Im sorry if this post is a little incoherent. Narcotics do funny things to your brain. - On Friday, I got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Five minutes before the surgery, I lay in the dentist chair and looked at the window, trying to concentrate on something other than the IV sticking into my arm. I noticed a particularly lovely cherry blossom tree. Two squirrels. One oral surgeon. He whooshed into the room with a cheery hello!, pulling on a pair of gloves. He looked bizarrely like the father of one of my best friends from High School, which freaked me out a bit. How are you doing? Well, I thought, its the first day of my spring break, I have an IV sticking out of my arm, I will soon be able to eat nothing but baby food, and I have more work to do between now and next Sunday than I have ever had in one week, ever. Great! I replied, flashing him my toothiest smile (to communicate HEY! I HAVE NICE TEETH. DONT MESS THEM UP.) With that, a nurse pulled a little cap over my face, explaining that I would be receiving nitrous oxide: laughing gas. This would, apparently, help to keep me calm and happy. I have no recollection of being warned that the sedative was on its way. I remember starting to giggle and then my eyes were closed and I was in a bizarre half-conscious state. Events unfolded at about ten times normal speed. I was totally aware that I was in surgery. I could hear the surgeon and the nurses talking, although it sounded like their conversation was being played on fast-forward. It felt like my teeth were rearranging themselves inside my mouth, and I remember thinking wow, this is fascinating! At the same time, I dreamed that I was running through a series of tunnels and that people I knew were holding doors open to ease my passage. And then someone asked me how I was doing. I opened my eyes, saw four identical copies of one nurse, and shut them again. The room spun for a while. Eventually, I stopped seeing quadruple and the room seemed still enough, so I rolled out of the chair and staggered into the waiting area with two ice packs strapped to my face. Lovely. Since then, Ive been on a combination of Percocet and Ibuprofen, and am proud to say that today I graduated to eating an entire stick of string cheese. Its just as well, because I need fuel for the TRULY OBSCENE AMOUNT OF WORK I HAVE TO DO OVER SPRING BREAK. This is a nice introduction to what I have going on this semester. Hold onto your hats (or your teeth whichever are more likely to detach themselves from your body) 8.04 Problem Set 8.04 is Quantum Mechanics I, usually taken by sophomore physics majors. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, quantum tunneling, Dirac notation, probability distributionsand an exceptional teaching staff. The professor: Allan Adams. A legend. It honestly seems like there is nowhere he would rather be than in our lecture hall, filling chalkboard after chalkboard with wavefunctions. I quote: My job is to convince you that the SINGLE MOST INTERESTING THING you could do upon leaving lecture is the problem set. I also quote: fourteen invisible monkeys. He replies to every question with thats a great question! and never makes you feel stupid. My TA (recitation instructor): Adrian Liu. My TA. An astrophysicist and a post-doc who has won pretty much every teaching award available at MIT. He gets up at 6am because he likes to swim before workIm not sure if he realizes that a significant fraction of his students are doing pretty well if they get up before class starts. His explanations are clear, and if theyre not clear, he delivers them again in a different way. At the end of each session, he has us fill out these little anonymous feedback forms, and that evening writes up detailed answers to all of our questions. His office hours are packed and one of my friends reported that he never seems to take longer than 20 minutes to answer an e-mail. This guy is incredibly busy, but his recitation sections are high on his priority list :) 8.044 Problem Set 8.044 is Statistical Physics: an introduction to probability and statistical mechanics. Its usually taken concurrently with 8.04 by sophomore physics majors. The professor is John McGreevy, who has a toy unicorn in his office (apparently it represents a magnetic monopole: theres no good reason why it shouldnt exist, but it doesnt) and used to be in a rock band. I had a totally bizarre conversation with him earlier this week, about his research: Me: Whats your paper about? Prof. McGreevy: Oh, its about these things called strange metals [strange metals exhibit strange behaviour above superconducting temperature, and his group is trying to come up with a mathematical model for them] Me: Oh! Thats funny. I thought I saw the words event horizon in thereI thought the paper was about black holes. Guess I was mistaken. Prof. McGreevy: Oh, no, youre right, the papers about black holes. Me: HAHA! [totally joking] right. You model metals after multidimensional black holes or something? LOL! Prof. McGreevy: yup. Before I could stop myself: Me: WAAAAAAHH? He laughed. 8.282 Problem Set 8.282 is Introduction to Astronomy: a survey of galaxies, stars, planets, all that good stuff. The professor is Anna Frebel, who arrived this year from Harvard. Shes also my UROP supervisor UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program) With Anna Frebel, Im studying metal-poor stars: because most of the heavier elements were produced in supernovae, metal-poor stars are usually the oldest stars in the universe. However, we have to distinguish between stars that are metal-poor because of their age, and stars that are metal-poor because theyve been shedding off metal to a neighbor. Right now, were in phase one: Im looking at stellar spectra and measuring the wavelength shift of hydrogen, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Based on that, I calculate the radial velocity of the star. Calculate the radial velocity of the star! By looking at its spectra, which live on my computer. A real star. AHHHHH ITS SO COOL. 16.68 Research Paper 16.68 is Modern Space Science and Engineering: a 6-unit seminar in the Aero/Astro department. One of the professors is Jeff Hoffman, an ex-astronaut. I confess that I spend a borderline-creepy amount of lecture time looking at him and thinking WOAH. THAT GUY WAS IN SPACE. The class hosts a different lecturer every week, to present on topics ranging from neuroscience (sleep patterns and circadian rhythms, as relevant to astronauts) to chemical propulsion to GPS systems to extravehicular activity (EVA). This break, I have a big paper to write for the class. We were allowed to pick any topic we wanted, and I chose papillary edemas: basically, astronauts often suffer visual problems due to folding retinas. I have a book called Neuroscience in Space to use. Neuroscience in space. SPACE AND BRAINS! My two favorite things. 21L.703 Paper Revision(s) 21L.703 is Studies in Drama: Stoppard and Company. Its a CI-M in the literature department, which means that it teaches the specific forms of communication common to the fields professional and academic culture. In other words, we do a lot of oral and written work. In addition to essays, we take turns leading discussion sections and delivering presentations on topics relevant to the play at hand (ex. Karl Marx, feminism in Britain under Margaret Thatcher). The class is sort of a broad sweep of politics, history, and art, which I appreciate one emerges feeling like a better human being. Memorize my lines for the musical Yeah, Im doing another musical. See what can come from being a little spontaneous? This semester, the Musical Theatre Guild is putting on Urinetown. For those of you that are familiar with it, Im playing Little Sally. Lesson plan for an Introduction to Cosmology class My friend Eric G. 14 and I are teaching an Introduction to Cosmology class for High School kids through MITs Educational Studies Program: it lasts for two hours every Saturday over eight weeks. Weve talked about redshifts, expansion, grand unification, fundamental forces, metrics and geodesics, but by far my favorite session was when we introduced them to Quantum Mechanics. One of them yelled AHHH MY MIND IS BLOWN!!!! Its refreshing to introduce concepts to kids concepts that might be old news to us and watch their understanding of the world be totally transformed. Schedule the Intramural Ultimate Frisbee season MIT has a healthy active intramural sports program, which I should really write an entire blog post about at some point. This spring, options range from Ultimate Frisbee to tennis to bowling to octathon to waterpolo to unihoc. Im the manager for the Ultimate Frisbee leagues (YAY ULTIMATE FRISBEE!) which means that I get all the captains on board with what they need to do, schedule games, and troubleshoot when things go wrong. Figure out the most efficient way to respond to a gajillion small children The MIT Museum runs a program called The Curiosity Challenge. In a nutshell, kids submit questions or essays or drawings expressing what they are curious about. I met with the lady who runs the program, and found out that none of the kids get answers to their fabulous questions (ex. why are wood fires red and gas fires blue? how many cells are in a panda? why do dogs chase cats? why do people make mistakes? if there is other life out there, would they call us aliens?) I was horrified, and asked for the opportunity to compose responses. The MIT Museum staff delivered the entries to my dorm, and I now have three GIGANTIC bags sitting in my room, filled to the brim with submissions. There are easily five hundred of them. Im a little intimidated, but am determined to make this happen. Itll happen, whether it means I have to clump all the entries together into broader topics, or digitize all of them and get people to respond online. Itll happen, because it has to happen, because it would be a travesty for these kids to send their questions off and never receive responses. Itll happen, just like all this other work will happen, because it has to. I will get this all done. I will also be able to eat solid food soon, because, lets be honest, this whole diet-of-soup-and-apple-sauce thing is pretty lame. Deep breaths. I got this.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The First Wave Of Feminism - 767 Words
Sociology – Unit 4 Assignment Unit 4 Assignment is worth 50 points Assignment – What is feminism? Describe how it has evolved in the United States and include the three phases. The belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities organized activity in support of woman s rights and interests The first wave of feminism took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, emerging out of an environment of urban industrialism and liberal, socialist politics. The goal of this wave was to open up opportunities for women, with a focus on the right to vote. The wave formally began at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 when three hundred men and women rallied to the cause of equality for women. Elizabeth†¦show more content†¦The third wave of feminism began in the mid-90 s and was informed by post-colonial and post-modern thinking. In this phase many constructs were destabilized, including the notions of universal womanhood, body, gender, sexuality and â€Å"heteronormativity the belief that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (man and woman) with natural roles in life.) An aspect of third wave feminism that mystified the mothers of the earlier feminist movement was the re adoption by young feminists of the very lip-stick, high-heels, and cleavage proudly exposed by low cut necklines that the first two phases of the movement identified with male oppression. Pink floor expressed this new position when she said that it s possible to have a push-up bra and a brain at the same time. The fourth wave of feminism is still a captivating silhouette. A writer for Elle Magazin recently interviewed me about the waves of feminism and asked if the second and third waves may have â€Å"failed or dialed down†because the social and economic gains had been mostly sparkle, little substance, and whether at some point women substituted equal rights for career and for ones self. I replied that the second wave of feminism ought not be characterized as having failed, nor was glitter all that it generated. Quite the contrary; many goals of the second wave were met: more women in
Friday, May 8, 2020
Body Image Representations Essay - 1111 Words
The phenomenon of dress and bodily adornment has always been a matter of conflict. It seems that society is constantly trying to repress the notion of aesthetics being a priority in any sense. Generally speaking, we are taught from a young age that looks are not important and we should not use them to make judgements of people. This is then contradicted by the notion of a doting mother always concerned about their child’s appearance, a nervous girl on a first date spending hours attempting to find something to wear, beauty pageants, wearing your best for a job interview even if the job’s uniform consists of a store shirt and khaki pants, and the like. This discord between what we say and how we actually feel creates some problems in the†¦show more content†¦As I have worked in the service industry since I have been old enough to work, the art of people watching and people reading has become an activity I like to think I have mastered. At the moment, I work at a bar in Atlantic Station where people come to be seen. Because of my experiences in the service industry, Turner’s article has only further validated my belief that what we put on is more important to us than we think. As far as fashion goes, there are two types of people who exist. People who are wearing their outfits and those whose outfits are wearing them. I have noticed that women who are â€Å"wearing their outfits†so to speak, exude way more confidence than women whose outfits are â€Å"wearing them†. It may be the confidence, but it seems that these ‘confident’ women are usually wearing outfits that seem to be congruent with their personality. By that I mean wearing something they are genuinely comfortable in, almost with an air of â€Å"this outfit was made for me and no one else.†On the other hand, there are those women who look as if their clothes are holding them hostage. It is as if the clothes are not correctly communicating t o the rest of society who they feel they really are. A perfect example of this is a woman who frequents my bar often. She is quite friendly and always willingShow MoreRelatedThe impact of medias representation of ideal body size on attitudes towards own body image952 Words  | 4 Pagesoverwhelming representation of thinness has a large contributing factor towards young women’s attitudes of their own body weight dissatisfaction (Jacobi Cash‚ 1994). This dissatisfaction stems from discrepancies between the accepted standard of female body image repeatedly shown in today’s media and their own bodies leading to the formation of attitudes that their own weight is not adequate. For example, a meta-analysis comparing the results of 25 studies that presented media images of thin modelsRead MoreMedia s Representation Of Body Image1532 Words  | 7 Pagesinfluence by the media is body image, large number of young women and girls look up to people in the media and a re influenced by the way they look. Now days you’re appraised on your attractiveness, the way you look, the way you dress, and especially how thin you are. The media’s representation of body image has contributed to the social trend of an unhealthy lifestyle. Women and young girls today are fixated on trying modify the way they look to achieve the perfect body image set by the standards ofRead MoreRepresentation Of The Body Image And The Mass Media Essay3221 Words  | 13 PagesREPRESENTATION OF HOW MEDIA PROMOTE EXCERSISE IN NEW ZEALAND MEDIA AND HOW IT AFFECTS FEMALES Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard Representation of women in the media can change the way that the people of New Zealander’s think of themselves. Media has a powerful ability to reach many people and to influence and direct attitudes of our country’s behaviours and knowledge. In my essay I will explain these things and how they affectRead MoreRepresentation Of The Female Body Image And The Mass Media1586 Words  | 7 PagesREPRESENTATION OF HOW WOMEN PROMOTE EXCERSISE IN NEW ZEALAND MEDIA AND HOW IT AFFECTS FEMALES Female Body Image and the Mass Media: Perspectives on How Women Internalize the Ideal Beauty Standard Representation of women in the media can change the way that the people of New Zealander’s think of themselves. Media has a powerful ability to reach many people and to influence and direct attitudes of our country’s behaviours and knowledge. - Magazines (the representation of kiwi identity they create)Read MoreRelationship Between Barbie Dolls And The Development Identity And Self Concept1464 Words  | 6 Pagessampling to get an adequate representation of the population. The characteristics of the segments included age, gender, ethnicity and zip code. In each year group, one-third of the girls will be placed in different experimental conditions: traditional Caucasian Barbie doll, Mattel’s new line of Barbie dolls, and no exposure to the doll. Stimulus Material In order to expose girls to different images of traditional Barbie dolls, Mattel’s new line of Barbie dolls, or neutral images, three commercial videosRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of The Mass Media And Body Image998 Words  | 4 Pagesindividual’s body image. The media distorts reality, promotes weight-teasing, and with the lack of diversity, it leads to body dissatisfaction, that would be a person’s negative thoughts about their body, and can inevitably lead to eating disorders. Also, media distorting reality can lead to mental illness and a low self esteem. The body image of many people does not reflect who they are but it rather reflects what the media portrays. Introduction What is body image? It is the internal representation ofRead More Body Image Essay1153 Words  | 5 Pagesunder the image, along with the subtopics â€Å"Magic Moves that Work Your Whole Core,†â€Å"Superfoods for a Sexy Stomach,†and â€Å"4 Ab Mistakes Everyone Makes.†It is no secret that modern American culture gives great importance to body image, namely to having a â€Å"perfect†physique, although a vast majority of the population is far from attaining said physique. I struggled for years to â€Å"make peace†with my own body and obtain a positive body image, hence why I have chosen to research body image and the mediaRead MoreThe Effect Of Media On Womens Body Image1247 Words  | 5 Pagesrole of media affects how women perceive body image. I was interested in knowing the ways in which the media influenced the ways in which they perceive themselves and their beauty. In order to perform my research, I conducted surveys of female stu dents ranging from ages 18-28, carried out experimental research on them to test whether they feel worse about their bodies after being exposed to thin media models than after being exposed to other types of images as well as conducting secondary researchRead MoreThe Impact Of Fitspiration Images On College Women s Body Image1433 Words  | 6 Pages​It is undeniable that the body changes many times throughout the length of adulthood. Education is one indicator that a person has began their journey into adulthood. Attending a University is a time when many men and women set out on their own to find their own identity and place in the world. Part of that identity is body image. Tiggemann and Zaccardo (2015) conducted research that aimed to investigate the impact of fitspiration images on college women’s body image. Participants included 130 femaleRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On Self Esteem1732 Words  | 7 Pagesto realize, even before reaching puberty that this is what their bodies should look like. Older children see celebrities constantly flaunting their sculpted figures, which they magically attained effortlessly. The media broadcasts the thin ideal in almost every way possible. As a result, eating disorders have become more prominent throughout communities because of the unrealistic expectations we hold for our appearances. Body dissatisfaction, or one not feeling content with one’s physical appearance
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Study on Consumer Perception on Nokia Free Essays
A study on consumer perception on nokia phone in Kanyakumari district Introduction:- Nokia phone is the biggest brand company industry globally. it is most chepaest which gave more Features. Nokia provide the cheapest rates according to other competitors and well known for the lowest price all over the price. We will write a custom essay sample on A Study on Consumer Perception on Nokia or any similar topic only for you Order Now People are ready to pay extra but want the good back from the usage of the mobile and want that and expact for the long time time usage from the mobile. The biggest benefit of the nokia mobile phones are that they are good in resold price ,a less loss can be expected as to others mobile phones. the nokia was awarded and continously on the first price for the best mobile from the last 5 years. The first camera on the mobile was invented by the nokia mobiles phones ever in the market and it blust all the market and taken the place ,which put the others in a big trouble for not seling there mobiles phones. The nokia was the changing its features day by the as the first camera and the tourch light music nd radio in it . Most of the time now mobiles phones are using as for the business purposes. The camera was best in the battery timings and still known well for the battery timings its battery works more then the one day and the lower class always appriciate the nokia for the best battery providing in the mobiles phones with the lowest price. Acheivements of nokia:- The achevements of nokia is that they are trying to provide the best mobiles prices and well satisfaction to there user . the nokia always focuses on the goals how to improve to get the attention of there there user who appriciate the nokia and day by day there for they bringign the changes in the mobiles phones due to the greediness of the smart phones the nokia has lost its importance in the market becouse it does not follow the same conidion as the other. Nokia market:- The nokia is now getting the weak in the market but still only the low class people use this mobile phone as they can afford and its too strong in even physically as well . the first mobile was 3310 which made the huge market of the this set and then after like 1112,1110 and so on. The blast in market was also when the nokia introduce the n71 ,n91 n8 and many others like this becouse the memory card and built in memory was introduce by the nokia mobile phones The nokia starting inventions:- The nokia mobiles phones were the biggest phones becouse there there size was too large and the customers feel ord to use this phones as of the size is the big but later when it convert and change it into the small and like the mobiles they 3310 then people appricaite it. Now the mobile charger are also available in the market in as they are called as usb charger it is easy to use even the car while travelling you can use it for the cahrging and now more comfortable is that thses chargers are also availble in the sort of bluetooth. How to cite A Study on Consumer Perception on Nokia, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Self Reflection/Reflection Project Essay Example
Self Reflection/Reflection Project Essay Given the complexities of the social environment in which we currently live, there are a myriad of issues which divide society for one reason or another. Among these, the issue of sexism, or more precisely heterosexism, is prevalent in American society today, whether one realizes it or not. In an effort to identify and better understand heterosexism requires additional research and discussion, which will be presented in this essay through the use of several sources, including literature and film. To begin, one must fully understand exactly what is meant by heterosexuality as well as how the concept of identifying and separating sexual preferences came about. While there is proof from the beginnings of recorded history of individuals whose sexual preference ranged from the opposite gender to same gender to either gender, the societal differentiation of sexual preferences truly started to emerge in the Victorian era of the 19th century when the concept of sexuality began to be discussed in the mainstream, in a sense coming out from behind the closed doors of the bedrooms of the era (Rothenberg, 2007). At that point, there began to form within â€Å"popular culture†, as it existed at that time, a variation between the heterosexual-one who has an erotic/romantic interest in the opposite gender and the homosexual-one who has the same kinds of interests, albeit for the same gender as they. Also, the concept of the bisexual individual came to being-one who has an interest in their same gender and the opposite gender as well. At this point, along with those defined differences, came the accompanying social divides along the lines of sexual preference-and the advent of homophobia, which is to say the opposition to, or even hatred of, homosexuality and homosexuals themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Self Reflection/Reflection Project specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Self Reflection/Reflection Project specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Self Reflection/Reflection Project specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The reasons for homophobia, while in many cases widely speculative, can be explained to a certain extent because of the fact that homosexuality goes against the norms that society determines for the genders. Taking this concept back to a most basic level, one needs to understand how conventional society places people into gender roles quite literally from the day of one’s birth. In most cases, based upon whether the biological designation of a human being is male or female, by the dictates of society, the genders are dressed a certain way, led to prefer games, toys and habits based on their gender, and are treated in vastly different ways as well (Pharr, 1988). Along with the development of the young person’s gender identity, they are also indoctrinated with belief systems that teach them that any other people who do not behave as their gender roles dictate are somehow less important and are acceptable in terms of being able to be openly ridiculed and persecuted (Pharr, 1988). Although the whole of society, when asked, would say that the use of insulting names or unfair treatment of homosexuals is morally wrong, there also seems to be a sort of unwritten tolerance of what can be called heterosexism, or the belief system and associated preconceptions and behaviors that simultaneously promote the idea of heterosexuality as a superior way of life and homosexuality as inferior and unacceptable in popular society (Rothenberg, 2007). Within American society, the promotion of heterosexism appears to be widespread, and continuing to be as such with the evolution of society and the continuing increase in the complexity of everyday life. While it would be convenient to simply dismiss this as outright prejudice, it in fact goes much deeper than that. For all of the talk of homophobia being based old fashioned hatred, it also appears to have some roots in fear, which is to say that in the case of heterosexual men, for example, homophobia comes from the fear of the stability of their own masculinity, more than just a resentment of those whose lifestyles differ from theirs (Pharr, 1988). The struggle between heterosexism and homosexuality in American society is also reflected by art that imitates life, such as in modern film. One key example of this is the 1988 film â€Å"Torch Song Trilogy†, which is relevant not only because of the outright plot of the film, but also for the underlying social themes of the film itself. To briefly summarize the plot of the film, a modern day drag queen deals with life offstage, particularly in the areas of romantic/sexual situations with men and the complicated relationship which he has with his overbearing and emotionally intense mother. On the romantic front, Arnold, the main character/drag queen, finds himself confronted with a romantic interest in a man who proves to be possibly more interested in women than in men. Because of this conflict in the romantic feelings of Arnold’s partner for him, Arnold is greatly conflicted and goes through what can best be called a period of self discovery, trying to understand his lover, himself, and how all of this can be put together to make some sense in a world which seems at this point to make no sense at all. Adding to the confusion and tumult is Arnold’s mother, whose main purpose in Arnold’s life seems at least on the surface to be to antagonize him and to make him feel even more confused and inadequate (Bogart, 1988). However, by looking beneath the surface of the issues and interpersonal relationships and their associated complications in the film, we can see a certain measure of social commentary in â€Å"Torch Light Trilogy†. Overall, what we see in Arnold is someone who must confront their own sexuality and grasp the reality that his sexuality, indeed him being â€Å"just the way he is†, goes against the norms of society, but at the same time, he cannot simply change they way he is in the way that one would change their hairstyle or wardrobe as an example. Further, Arnold is perplexed; it seems as to how his partner can so easily switch his sexuality on and off, while Arnold seems trapped in his for better or for worse. Also, in his mother, Arnold sees a heterosexual person who does not exactly appear to be the happiest individual in the world. Overall, what can be seen in â€Å"Trilogy†is the complex nature of homosexuality in modern America and the effect that it has on those close to the homosexual individual. The research conducted and conclusions drawn in considering the intertwined issues of heterosexism and homosexuality have led to a few key points; first, for all of the efforts of society to compartmentalize individuals into sexuality roles based on their biological designation at birth, the physiology of the individual often forms their roles and can overpower what society says is the proper way to conduct one’s sexuality. Moreover, it also appears clear that those who so vehemently hate homosexuals do so because of the fear of something that they do not understand, rather than opposing something that they think they do understand. For the families of homosexuals, there also exists an often confusing dynamic which society basically uses to compel these individuals to discriminate against homosexuals even within their own families. The challenge from this point is for society to come to the realization that gender roles are more biological than motivational in natu re, are in fact more related to nature than nurture, and that the proliferation of heterosexism is only a thinly veiled version of homosexual hatred. With these points in mind, perhaps society can better respect gender differences and be the better for it. PART II- â€Å"Reflection Project Essay†This course has led me to a great deal of reflection and introspection; through the analysis of my own life, social influences in my life, and the social norms that I have witnessed, and continue to witness, for better or worse, have led me to view many of the challenges that I face in my life much like a birdcage; this cage is constructed of very specific bars and serves a very specific purpose. First, I should explain the validity of my birdcage analogy; I see myself as a bird who, given my druthers, would be able to freely fly about, wherever the wind and my own ambition would take me, all the while singing the sweet song that can only come from the complete peace that comes from total freedom. However, this freedom is made impossible by the birdcage which holds me in place and keeps me from soaring into the clouds. This birdcage, as was previously mentioned, is made solid by bars that have been specifically constructed and placed in such a way as to make freedom impossible. The first of these bars, indeed one of the largest and hardest bars is made of racial intolerance. As an African-American, I learned from a very early age that I would not always be viewed as an equal to my Caucasian counterparts, and in many situations, would be regarded as being much less than an equal in fact. Because of the fact that my skin is of a much darker color than many other African –Americans, discrimination on racial lines has been all the more acute for me than many others. In my mind’s eye, I can travel back to a recollection when, as a young child, I attended a birthday party for another child, and being the only African-American at the party, let alone having very dark skin, I was ridiculed by the other children, making me feel inferior. As I grew older, this racial differe nce led me to the belief that I was not as attractive as I could be to the opposite sex, only adding to the discomfort I felt from a racial point of view.   Hence, the first bar of my birdcage was solidly forged and locked into place. The second bar of my birdcage is formed by socioeconomic factors; while I did in fact grow up in a middle class which afforded me many benefits that others in lower classes did not have, such as access to solid education, stable housing, food, clothing and so forth, there was also the feeling that I was in the middle of the â€Å"haves and have nots†which led to a certain level of tension and wondering as to where I would eventually end up as an adult. This, in fact, placed another bar firmly in my cage. The â€Å"isms†eventually made up another bar in the birdcage which surrounds me; what is meant by this are such social ills as racism, classism and sexism, which have many far reaching unfavorable consequences for modern society. Personally, also as a woman, the â€Å"isms†have at one time or another led to my being outcast from certain areas/opportunities, ridicule as in the case of my childhood experiences that were earlier related, verbal abuse from others in many segments of society, and physical abuse. Also, the â€Å"isms†have led me to the assertion, whether accurate or not, that I could someday actually be imprisoned because of my racial and gender differences, thereby taking away my literal freedom as well as my perception of freedom. Classism has in some respects made me feel guilty for the level of economic status I have in society, while others do not possess such a level. These factors have formed yet another bar in the birdcage. My gender, whether I have taken the time to realize it or not, has seemed to have formed a bar in my birdcage. Because of the mere fact that I am a female, the reality is that society in many instances can look on me as less than favorable in comparison to a male in terms of access to employment opportunities, education, and the like. Even in the 21st century, there are those of narrow mind in society that feel that women should automatically take a subordinate role to that of men, and as such, automatically force women into a role of submission regardless of their qualifications, redeeming qualities, and so forth. Therefore, my gender role has in fact led to yet another bar in the cage that holds me inside. My birdcage is not in effect a â€Å"life sentence†, lest I give that impression; rather, in looking at ways to break free from the cage, it seems that there are certain bars that can be somewhat bent, thereby allowing me to be able to fly free, wherever I may wish. The first bar that can be bent to facilitate an escape of sorts is that of racial intolerance. While it is unlikely that I, as one individual, can eradicate racial intolerance from the face of the earth, I can wage an individual battle against it, by starting with my own circumstances. The people that would hold me back because of my race have no right to do so; with this in mind, I will refuse to submit to these bigoted individuals. As an example, if they close one door of opportunity to me, I will try to enter another door. Ultimately, as a result of my persistence and inner strength, I will be able to achieve my own personal victory against this social scourge. Once the first bar is bent, others will surely follow; specifically, the bar that represents socioeconomic factors can be pushed aside; once again, while I cannot change my past socioeconomic factors, through hard work and achievement, I can overcome the socioeconomics of my past and provide a more stable future for myself, and possible future generations of my family, which will make an essential difference for countless people long after my life’s journey is complete. Lastly, while daunting to say the least, I may also be able to bend the bar of â€Å"isms†; indeed, this is the most solid of all of the bars, but the leverage from the bending of the other bars may make this possible. Reflecting back on me, what the birdcage analogy means to me personally is that I can either view past obstacles as something that will keep me confined for life, or challenges to strive for changing to improve my life, my world, and that of others. Ultimately, if every individual sought to do this, the sweeping social change that makes the world a better place could become more of a reality.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Serial Position Effect
Serial Position Effect Introduction Serial Position Effect describes a situation where the ability to recall items in a list varies as the position of an item on the list changes. It states that items at the start of the list and at the end have a higher chance of been remembered as opposed to items in the middle. Primacy Effect is the tendency to remember an item in the beginning of serialized items.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Serial Position Effect specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, the ability to recall items at the end of a list is called Recency Effect. Reasons have been developed to explain this phenomenon. However, the earliest reason for Primacy Effect is long In real life, Serial Position Effect is quite possible. It is easier to remember items in the beginning and end of a list. However, this may be because of the emphasis that individuals place on these two places. In games, in school and all competitions, persons at the beginning of a list are lauded and those in the end perceived weakly (Neely LeCompte, 1999). In the English Premier League, it is always quite easy to remember the first teams. Additionally, it is easier to recall teams at the end. While teams that win this competition win the English Premier League trophy, teams that eventually finish at the tail end are punished by relegations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Serial Position Effect specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hence, it is actually a real life thing to engage those two places in a list. The majority of the teams that lie in the middle do not get any limelight. This is because their position is perceivably irrelevant according to Neely LeCompte (1999). Reference Neely, C.B. LeCompte, C.D. (1999). The Importance of Semantic Similarity to Irrelevant Speech Effect. Memory and Cognition, 27(1): 37-44. Available at /10.3758%2FBF03201211#page-2
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
David Foster Wallace on SNOOTS - Extreme Usage Fanatics
David Foster Wallace on SNOOTS - Extreme Usage Fanatics After reading this article, decide if you are a SNOOT: one of the Few, the Proud, the More or Less Constantly Appalled at Everyone Else. Question: What Is a SNOOT? Answer: SNOOT (n) (highly colloq) is this reviewers nuclear familys nickname clef for a really extreme usage fanatic, the sort of person whose idea of Sunday fun is to hunt for mistakes in the very prose of [William] Safires column [in The New York Times Magazine]. This definition of the family word SNOOT (an acronym for Sprachgefà ¼hl Necessitates Our Ongoing Tendance or Syntax Nudniks of Our Time) appears in footnote number five of David Foster Wallaces review article Authority and American Usage (in Consider the Lobster and Other Essays, 2005). There, the late author of Infinite Jest devotes more than 50 smart and entertaining pages to the topic of grammarin particular, to the dispute between linguistic conservatives and linguistic liberals, otherwise known as the Prescriptivists vs. the Descriptivists. Before deciding whether you would feel comfortable characterizing yourself as a SNOOT, consider Wallaces description of SNOOTitude: There are lots of epithets for people like thisGrammar Nazis, Usage Nerds, Syntax Snobs, the Grammar Battalion, the Language Police. The term I was raised with is SNOOT. The word might be slightly self-mocking, but those other terms are outright dysphemisms. A SNOOT can be defined as somebody who knows what dysphemism means and doesnt mind letting you know it.I submit that we SNOOTs are just about the last remaining kind of truly elitist nerd. There are, granted, plenty of nerd-species in todays America, and some of these are elitist within their own nerdy purview (e.g., the skinny, carbuncular, semi-autistic Computer Nerd moves instantly up on the totem pole of status when your screen freezes and now you need his help, and the bland condescension with which he performs the two occult keystrokes that unfreeze your screen is both elitist and situationally valid). But the SNOOTs purview is interhuman social life itself. You dont, after all (despite withering cultural pressure), have to use a computer, but you cant escape language: Language is everything and everywhere; its what lets us have anything to do with one another; its what separates us from the animals; Genesis 11:7-10 and so on. And we SNOOTS know when and how to hyphenate phrasal adjectives and to keep participles from dangling, and we know that we know, and we know how very few other Americans know this stuff or even care, and we judge them accordingly.In ways that certain of us are uncomfortable about, SNOOTs attitudes about contemporary usage resemble religious/political conservatives attitudes about contemporary culture: We combine a missionary zeal and a near-neural faith in our beliefs importance with a curmudgeonly hell-in-a-handbasket despair at the way English is routinely manhandled and corrupted by supposedly literate adults. Plus a dash of the elitism of, say, Billy Zane in Titanica fellow SNOOT I know likes to say that listening to most peoples public English feels like watching somebody u se a Stradivarius to pound nails. We are the Few, the Proud, the More or Less Constantly Appalled at Everyone Else.(David Foster Wallace, Consider the Lobster and Other Essays. Little, Brown and Company, 2005) As regular visitors to this site may have noticed, we strive to remain on speaking terms with both sides in the Usage Wars. Looking at how language works (description) happens to interest us more than laying down arbitrary laws on how language should be used (prescription). And yet its clear that most readers arrive at Grammar Composition in search of rulings, not linguistic ruminations, and so we do try to be accommodating. But how do you define your interest in language? Are you a fan of Lynne Trusss Eats, Shoots Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation (2004), or do you feel more at home with David Crystals The Fight for English: How Language Pundits Ate, Shot, and Left (2007)? Are you inclined to fuss at a child who uses aint, or are you more interested in finding out that until the 19th century in both England and America aint was an acceptable usage? In short, do you consider yourself a SNOOT?
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Case Analysis Paper Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysis Paper - Case Study Example Apparently, foreign investments have immensely contributed to growth of India’s economy. The government of India is more likely to adopt or implement a more robust policy regime to lure more foreign investors into the country (Enz, 2010). Led by Narendra Modi (Prime Minister), the government has ultimately approved various economic reforms in the recent past in an effort to attract more investors into the country, especially those in the service industry. For instance, the government is likely to open doors to international hotel chains to join local establishments in the vastly competitive hospitality industry. The deeper pockets, such as cash and many other resources of international hotel chains are likely to give India competitive advantage over domestic chains (Dayal-Gulati & Jain, 2010).. The economy of India will particularly record a major growth as international hotel add a great deal to the revenues collected from the hospitality industry. The government of India has allowed foreign investors to invest directly in its economy, giving the country a competitive edge over its domestic chains (Dayal-Gulati & Jain, 2010). However, the advantage of the deeper pockets might not be sustainable in the long-run. Apparently, Indian government must protect its local established and infant chains. Although international chains significantly contribute to the growth in the country’s revenue, they (foreign/international chains) may eventually trigger collapse of local competitors. Growth in popularity of Indian market is likely to increase the aggressiveness of other global and domestic chains, posing enhanced or heightened competitive threats (Dayal-Gulati & Jain, 2010). However, domestic chains also play an integral role to stabilize India’s economic growth, as well as to give the economy a fairly systematic resilience. The Indian government, on the other hand, has to play its part not to let foreign corporations take
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Justification Report Part 3 (Final) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Justification Report Part 3 (Final) - Essay Example The Department of Veteran Affairs is one of the most important departments within the US government but the department fails to perform its basic function- serving war veterans and their immediate family. The problem arises because the department has been unable to properly manage its human resource. This report presents recommendations on improving the situation mainly through non-monetary incentives given to the employees. These include training and development; employee empowerment; floating holidays and telecommuting among other options. Veteran Affairs is an organization within the US government which serves to fulfill the needs of army personnel who have fought wars for the country. The services of the department extend to the immediate family members of the veterans who have been injured or have died while serving in the army. This department performs one of the most crucial aspects of military service by serving as a source of motivation for army men and women currently working in the US Army. These people are reassured through such organizations that the US government would look after them and their families should they face any problem in the future. However, Veteran Affairs is failing to provide the needed services principally because of its human resource department. The human resource department is not calibrated to understand the importance of serving these people. This report explores the problems inherent in the human resource department from the perspective on an employee who has worked within the organization and understands the problems in depth. The report will also present reasonable and logical solutions for the problem explored. The main problem that this report intends to discuss is that currently the human resource department in Veteran Affairs is ill-equipped in managing the department. There is a glaring lack of document accountability which leads to
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Perceptions of health, disability, illness and behaviour
Perceptions of health, disability, illness and behaviour PERCEPTIONS OF HEALTH, DISABILITY, ILLNESS AND BEHAVIOUR How health and social care users relate to the concepts of impairment and challenging behaviours Users of health and social care are usually in need of social care depending on the nature and intensity of their illness. Disabled individuals like Mr. Holland Park are why the importance of the underlying relationships between health, disability and illnesses must be understood and further develop strategies that will ensure better quality of life for him and other users alike. Severe medical conditions can result in limited access to proper healthcare; even as many in the general public have the misconception about how healthcare is received by individuals with disabilities. Recent laws and policies by the government like the Disability Discrimination Act, which covers all community health care services and hospitals compels service providers to make specific adjustments to healthcare practices, and also to ascertain the practicality of these adjustments is directed towards users with specific needs as is the case with Mr. Holland Park. Impact of past and present policies and legislations on available healthcare services Mr. Holland Park is currently a member of a family that cares for him for very much hence it is typical for other members of his family to worry about his wellbeing in any care home he lives in. In the past, legislations and social policies are developed in general terms that encompasses every health and social sector with policies affecting the general public and everyone residing within the United Kingdom. However, changes that been made over the years to suit specific aspects of the community, and precise laws are developed and others redefined to guarantee that every individual regardless of their medical condition, race, social class, religion or ethnicity receives the best care available. Mr. Holland Park is over a certain age and may be worried about being subjected to any kind of abuse or neglect due to his health. This is because the society may sometimes be unwelcoming to behaviours exhibited by individuals with certain illness, as some exhibit behaviours that may view as strange and unusual. This is why the legislations are defined in such a way that people, especially workers of care homes must abandon the general negative perceptions about disabled users, and commit only to the provision of suitable and adequate health care services to such individuals. The family of Mr. Holland Park will have nothing to worry about as every kind of misconception about any kind of illness will be overlooked and the best care made available for him in this care home or whichever one as the policies are well monitored and regular unannounced checks are done to certify adherence to these legislations. The promotion and protection of disability rights has been improved majorly in the United Kingdom, making the United Kingdom a pioneer in liaison of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Policies and Legislation in recent years Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA 1995), it is a violation of law to discriminate against disabled people in areas of including provision of services, employment, goods or facilities. Hence making it an obligation for service providers to ensure sensible modifications are made to engage disabled individuals in using their services. Consequent modifications were made via derivative legislations like Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 through principal legislation like the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001. These acts made provision for a Disability Equality Duty making it a responsibility for public authorities to take passive roles in the promotion of fairness in treatment of disabled people. The Human Rights Act 1998 calls for the need for every public authority to operate in a way which is attuned with the rights put in place in the European Convention on Human Rights. Should public authorities fall short, affected individuals and their families are permitted to seek a judicial remedy. Public authorities include central social and health care homes, National Health Service (NHS) and their trusts, Government, and most providers of public services. In recent times, there is a more direct approach to the UK anti-discrimination legislation via the Equality Act 2010 which annulled and replaced the DDA in Great Britain alone. This Act not only encompasses the protection of disabled individuals from any kind of segregation, but also applied modifications to certain responsibilities of the public authorities regarding the participation of disabled individuals in policy decisions. The Equality 2025 was created in 2006 as a government has a themed goal ‘Improving the Life Chances of Disabled People’ with a year 2025 target for disabled individual living in Britain to the treated as equal members of the society and have full access to develop their quality of life. It is particularly designed to assist disabled people attain independent living by moving gradually towards individual budgets that will bring together various services they will be entitled to and giving them various choices over diverse support from either direct provision of services and/or money. HOW HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES SUPPORT INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS Available care needs for Mr. Holland Park Mr. Holland Park being an elderly man in the early stages of dementia and additional visual and hearing disabilities means he will be needing special attention as his behaviours might sometimes be queer, and at other serious times sporadic and violent. The care home will be focused on providing assistance that will uphold his independence and therefore enable his stability whilst receiving dependable services that will suit his individual needs. Provision of audio-visual equipment will assist Mr. Holland Park to make the best of his little sight. This will be after a proper assessment has been carried out by professionals to determine the seriousness of his blindness. As he is also hearing impaired, it will be best to make sure that he moves around the care home safely by having rotational care staff check on his whereabouts on a regular basis and a log kept to this effect. Also, he will need to participate in regular activities to keep him in good spirit. Being partially deaf-blind can be challenging for Mr. Holland Park as he may sometimes feel less capable, it is the duty of our care home to ensure that he feels less challenged by engaging him in peer group activities that involves other service users. This way, he feels more active and energetic and he can take his mind off any heavy thought of being a burden to others. The most important factor to providing the best care services to Mr. Holland Park is that the care staffs will never regard his challenging behaviours as a form of challenge, but will work towards providing him with a comfortable lifestyle by ensuring his hygiene is well taken care of. Also, his laundry will be done for him and meals and drinks will be prepared as he wants it on a timely basis and he will have a variety of menu of choose from. Should he be entitled to any benefits, we will make it our duty to assist him in claiming these benefits for him and the family and provide any necessary references or letters to state that he is under our care. Available local services to support Mr. Holland Park and his family Disabled individuals like Mr. Holland Park with dementia care are eligible for Special Rehabilitation Services that are provided by Disability Service Teams via direct referrals from health care providers. He and his family will benefit from this service as it will help to develop his independence and quality of life. A register for blind and partially blind are kept by the local authority, for provision of further assistance with the Eye Care Trust, and Mr. Holland Park is entitled to receive subsidised and mostly free consultation and treatment, and extra support should he choose to register. The Alzheimer’s Society is an organisation that assists individuals with dementia (as is the case with Mr. Holland Park) and is supported by the National Health Service (NHS) and Community Care 1990, to assess his needs and provide certain services as required. His family will benefit from subsequent aids and care that will not affect their budget heavily. Powers of Attorney It is possible sometime in the future when Mr. Holland Park’s symptoms become very serious and he is unable to decide on his finances or medical treatment. It is best to make arrangements for this by drawing up different Lasting Powers of Attorney- the first to take care of financial decisions and the other to handle health and welfare decisions. Mr. Holland Park will need to appoint a trusted member of the family to act on his behalf should his disability get to this extent. You can find out more information about this, you can call AGE UK or Carers Direct. APPROACHES AND INTERVENTION STRATEGIES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH SPECIFIC NEEDS Intervention strategies for Mr. Holland Park who is the early stages of dementia focuses primarily on tackling the cognitive symptoms that can lead to erratic behaviours. The effectiveness of these interventions will help to enhance his individual functioning and reduce stress, depression or agitation which is common in individuals experiencing disability. The best therapy applied to Mr. Holland Park and other service users alike was to promote his independence and this boosted his confidence and willingness not just to survive but to live an active daily life and make the best of his body. The promotion of independence will delay or change the later stages of dementia which is usually much harder to manage. Independence in Mr. Holland Park was encouraged by engaging him in reasonable activities up to any level he can tolerate. Also, a balance of maintained for him across personal care and productive leisure, while monitoring his tolerance level. Potential impact of emerging developments on service users with specific needs It is critical to access the needs and strengths of service users with specific needs to determine the effectiveness of interventions implemented. The best strategies are accessed through initial stages and the environment was considered to determine the continuity and they include: Effective communication: Communication strategies applied involved using non-verbal cues and language and sentence structure to integrate high level of individual comprehension and enhanced sensory abilities. Effective communication is essential to the provision of high value health and social care. Without it there cannot be a significant coordination amongst service users and carers. Poor communication is frequently a considerable causative reason for complaint against Health and Social Care organisations and is the basis of numerous depressing user experiences. Involvement of individuals with challenging behaviours and their carers in the planning, delivery and monitoring of services ascertains that the care and support received meets their desires and objectives. Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Skills Training: ADL involved accessing users’ abilities, impairments and task performance to understand the psychological factors inhibiting their capabilities. Skills training are carefully assessed during activities that focus on empowering users to independently carry out ADL tasks. During the programmes, users are required to complete individual tasks with minimal assistance. Minimal assistance provided include: visual gestures, facial expressions, physical direction and partial physical assistance. The potential impact of the development of these strategies is the provision of vital support to effective improvement in health of service users, especially disabled users. There is improved strength through empowerment of independence and mobility and increased endurance levels. Also the physical performance of the users is improved significantly. Another essential benefit of these support systems is the maintenance of functional capabilities of users with physical or communication impairments. STRATEGIES FOR COPING WITH CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURS Concepts of challenging behaviours The relationship that exists between challenging behaviours is mostly viewed as a disorder of some form. There is no such thing as an analytical meaning for challenging behaviour but it can be categorized in various forms including psychological disorder, learning disability, mental illness and many others. A functional disorder of some form generalises the concept of challenging behaviours but will never fully define it. Challenging behaviour is an expressive concept, which is mainly socially created, and its definition is dependent on changes in social norms and provision of service cross geological areas. The expression itself carries no analytical meaning, and no presumption about the aetiology of the behaviour is made. Challenging behaviour may not relate to psychiatric disorder, but can also be a major or resultant symptom of it. Challenging behaviour is a moderately objective phrase that has apparent phenomenon. However, this is not the case with most mental illnesses, many of which depends on self-report by the individual for proper analysis. The need of an established expression in individuals with challenging behaviours has caused problems concerning suitable expressions. Different terms like: ‘mental disorder’, ‘mental illness’, ‘emotional distress’ have been utilised inter-changeably e.g. ‘mental illness’. Potential impact of challenging behaviours on health and social care organisations Managing the potential impact of challenging behaviours does not lie on one organisation, but rather a collective responsibility of every member of the health and social care system. That is how much impact the challenging behaviours of individuals have affected the health and social sector. This is because different people exhibit various disorders at diverse stages and severity ; hence the effective reason why organisations must work much harder to ensure that every individual is well taken care of regardless of his or her disability. Organisations have been made to build larger and more effective workforce and research on increased skills and improved knowledge have been carried out. Cost impact The continuing occurrence of challenging behaviours in various individuals has had its impact on cost as the weekly care ranges from over  £200 to as much as  £1600 depending on the severity. In other words, the care services offer to individuals is relative to the features of the care settings and the cost implication. It will always cost more to take care of people with severe challenging behaviours and the greater levels implying that organisations will need to increase their budget on regular basis to adapt to new fiscal year. Eventually, these cost implications will mean that larger facilities must be built and the weekly expenses are likely to increase over the years. Strategies for working with challenging behaviours Managing challenging behaviours involves intervention strategies that must recognise and take note of individual’s past and present experiences and must also maintain a standard environment. One of the things that must be noted is that it is inappropriate to label any service user with the term ‘challenging behaviours’ as this is very derogatory and changed the perspective they are related with. Also, the mindset with which they feel about how they fit into the environment is changed should they get used to this label. Intervention strategies Depending on how serious the behavioural problem is, intervention strategies are in different categories: Biological intervention: This deals with analysis of the causes of the particular behaviour. This will mostly require professional assistance in order to source and prescribe proper medication and treatment. Social intervention: This elemental intervention involves encouraging communities to involve disabled people in social activities so as to make them feel welcomed within the society. Counselling: This is usually an intervention suitable for individuals with moderate disability. The counselling will involve different behavioural methods like anger-management and relaxation therapy, for possible effect. There is no clear indication as to whether direct or indirect counselling methods will work with individuals that show high level of challenging behaviours like aggression. Psychotherapy: For over 50 years, psychotherapy has been in practice as a form of management and treatment for people experiencing challenging behaviours. The effectiveness may sometimes vary depending on the level of aggression displayed by the person. There is a surprisingly long history of psychotherapy with Cognitive therapies: This kind of therapy is suitable for people whose behaviours are based on personal experiences. The therapist works on improving the behaviour of the individual by changing his/her insight and perception of life. SELF EVALUATION
Friday, January 17, 2020
Recruiting in the High Schools Essay
You see them everywhere dressed up head to toe in camouflage and shiny boots, with the image of a super hero. With the recent conflicts in the Middle East, parents across America have protested the military being inside of our children’s schools auctioning off a better life. Let’s face it, who can give a better life to you than your mother? In 2002 the government made a flagship program designed to help underprivileged kids called the â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act†. â€Å"Since 2002 the â€Å"No Child Left Behind Act†has meant that US schools which receive government money must allow the military in to talk to students†(Act of Congress). So this poses a huge problem for the parents that are trying to fight to get the military out of the schools and to put a ban on recruiting from within the confines. The military shouldn’t be able to recruit in high schools for many reasons. The most important reasons why the military shouldn’t recruit inside of high schools is because the mind of a high school student isn’t developed enough to make the right decisions to join; the military gives false hope to kids of financial freedom, and the possibility of death isn’t realistically depicted by the recruiters to the high school students. Why are we recruiting in high schools instead of on college campuses? There could be a lot of reasons behind it, but first and foremost is that seventeen year olds aren’t ready to join. The mind of a seventeen year old isn’t fully developed until their in their twenties. So the judgment of a right and a wrong decision isn’t mindfully thought through. Yes, a seventeen year old only needs a high school diploma and parental consent but, how can they think they are ready for war when they can’t even drink alcohol or vote for their commander and chief? In high schools there are cliques and like any kid they want to be in these so called cliques. Robert Ayers discusses in his book how kids are looking for a clique or group to belong to, â€Å"High school kids are at an age when being a member of an identifiable group with a grand mission and a shared spirit  and never underestimate a distinctive uniform  is of exaggerated importance, something gang recruiters in big cities also note with interest and exploit with skill†(William Ayers). Ayers is depicting to us how easy it is to manipulate, and convince a young mind, seventeen years old, just wants to be part of a group with an image no matter what group it is. All someone has to do is depict an image of greatness and the young people are sold. The fact and bottom line is that our kids look up to a glorified image that the military and their commercials depict from a young age and they shouldn’t be capitalized on nor taken advantage of due to this overwhelming lopsided image. The military is currently under quota of manpower that they need to run a successful defense, so turning to seventeen year olds without the knowledge of military recruiting tactics is the logical and more efficient way to get people to join our depleted military. But this is not a reason to prey on sixteen and seventeen year olds who aren’t even old enough to vote nor drive, but they can make life and death decisions to join the military. But having the undeveloped brain, like we all went through, as they do they are not old enough to cypher through the presentations that the recruiter gives in order to make a valid and rational decision. Why do you see more recruiters in poverty stricken areas contrast to those in areas of good or well financial being? This is because the military is unethically targeting the vulnerable kids in our school system. Recruiters unethically target low income kids while promising them financial aid for school after these students serve in the military. Some of the students are promised is school fully paid for via the â€Å"Post 9/11 bill†and the â€Å"GI Bill†. But if you go www. va. gov website you will see the underlying criteria to actually get 100 percent free tuition. The Veteran Affairs website referenced these criteria’s; Active duty status, months and years served, months retired and a plethora of underlying circumstances. Getting high school students seem to be the plan for high school students, â€Å"The U. S. military’s practice of targeting low-income youth and students of color for recruitment, in combination with exaggerated promises of financial rewards for enlistment, undermines the voluntariness of their enlistment†(Soldiers of Misfortune). So why does the military seem to recruit people of color? Well according to www. census. gov the website tells us a lot about Caucasian children eighteen and under below the poverty line was seventeen percent and the children of the minority races were thirty five percent and higher. So this is actually the ideal place for a recruiter to so called â€Å"fill their quota†. Going back to the argument of recruiters promising false financing of school, this could be an advantage for the recruiters. Promising people who don’t have anything something is unethical and misleading. This is mostly unethical because the recruiters that are usually E-4 to E-6 have no pull to get you in different schooling programs nor give you the position that you could want, in terms of career and financing. â€Å"Many possible recruits are promised that they will receive tens of thousands of dollars in education when, in actuality, 57 percent of veterans who have applied for Government Issue (GI) benefits have not received any financial aid, according to the non-profit organization Finding Alternatives to Military Enlistment†(FAME). Promising financial benefits to kids that less than the majority of the military veterans receive is morally and ethically wrong. Also, the recruiters don’t tell you that in some circumstance you can’t attend school while in an â€Å"Active Duty Status†. Reason being is that you could get deployed and be called off to duty at any time and then the government would have to reimburse the institution for the incomplete credits. The recruiters also don’t tell recruits that if you are a reservist you are not eligible for the GI Bill, being in the reserve status it will be impossible to accumulate four years’ worth of active duty. The military also made it so that this could never be reached, it’s like a safe guard they have in place. The U. S. government also targets disadvantaged communities and areas. The philosophy of recruiters seem to be â€Å" The more in poverty a student is, the more likely they will look for a way out and join the ranks†. When the recruiters target these areas their showing that the more fortunate kids lives are more valuable and worth sparing more than others. It just isn’t right to exploit children from these backgrounds and hold their lives to a lesser status than other backgrounds. Why isn’t war realistically depicted to recruits before they join? Because, it’s nothing like what you see on the video games like â€Å"Call of Duty†or movies like â€Å"The Expendables or The ‘A’ Team†, when people shoot a plethora of bullets at you someone or something gets hit. â€Å"War is catastrophic for human beings, and, indeed, for the continuation of life on Earth. With over 120 military bases around the globe and the second largest military force ever assembled, the U. S. government is engaged in a constant state of war, and American society is necessarily distorted and disfigured around the aims of war†(William Ayers). A good statistic that should be shared while a recruit is debating whether or not to join the military is, â€Å"During the last decade of that spectacular century, two million children were killed, 20 million displaced, six million disabled†(William Ayers). Now this is a statistic that should get shared with recruits along with the good statistics that are put in there to glorify military service. Another good fact that recruits probably don’t know about â€Å"108 million people were slaughtered in wars during the 20th century†(William Ayers). Now the recruiters should tell the recruits to put this into perspective. 108 million people like you and me were killed within 100 years due to war and military conflict. The kids in high school need to understand that those were kids their age and younger, on some continents that were getting killed over things not fully understood. Then when your contract is up and you are honorably discharged from your branch of service people are still left with images of war and relive it every day. â€Å"Vets suffer long-term health consequences including greater risk of depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, sleep disorders, and more. About one-third of Vietnam vets suffered full-blown post-traumatic stress disorder. Another 22% suffered partial post-traumatic stress disorder. This is the nature of the beast. Anyone who’s been there knows†(William Ayers). If kids the age of 18 and lower are allowed to see and experience these things, then when their brains are fully developed they will be brain washed and war could be instilled in them with no turning back. This could also be that kid’s brains are not fully developed so they don’t have a clear concept of death. Recruiting in the high schools is ethically wrong due to the lack of the recruits’ brain development to cypher through and make a decision based on facts instead of the image the recruiters portray of the military. Also, the recruiters promise tens of thousands of dollars to these kids when that is a very farfetched truth. The recruiters need to tell them what you actually have to do to earn and qualify for that money so it can actually be yours’. Military recruiters also don’t depict a clear picture of war and all that is lost during it. People’s sanity, lives and total way of living are altered forever. Recruiting in high schools should be closely monitored in schools if not done away with all together. Kids eighteen and younger just don’t have a grasp on what’s reality and what’s fabricated. Works Cited Ayers, William. â€Å"Hearts and Minds: Military Recruitment and the High School Battlefield. †Www. democraticdialogue. com. N. p. , 07 Apr. 2006. Web. Cave, Damien. â€Å"Growing Problem for Military Recruiters: Parents. †Editorial. New York Times [New York] 3 June 2005: B6. Www. newyorktimes. com. Web. â€Å"Census Bureau Homepage. †Census Bureau Homepage. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. . â€Å"FAME Time Series. †FAME Time Series. N. p. , n. d. Web. 02 Nov. 2012. . Www. gibill. va. gov. N. p. , n. d. Web.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Fairness and Objectivity in Journalism
It is often touted that reporters should be objective and fair. Some news organizations even use these terms in their slogans, claiming they are more â€Å"fair and balanced†than their competitors. Objectivity Objectivity means that when covering hard news, reporters don’t convey their own feelings, biases or prejudices in their stories. They do this by writing stories using neutral language and by avoiding characterizing people or institutions either positively or negatively. This can be difficult for the beginning reporter accustomed to writing personal essays or journal entries. One trap beginning reporters fall into is the frequent use of adjectives which can easily convey one’s feelings about a subject. Example The intrepid protesters demonstrated against the unjust government policies. Just by using the words â€Å"intrepid†and â€Å"unjust†the writer has quickly conveyed their feelings on the storyâ€â€the protesters are brave and just in their cause, and the government policies are wrong. For this reason, hard-news reporters usually avoid using adjectives in their stories. By sticking strictly to the facts a reporter can allow each reader to form their own opinion about the story. Fairness Fairness means that reporters covering a story must remember there are usually two sidesâ€â€and often moreâ€â€to most issues and that those differing viewpoints should be given roughly equal space in any news story. Let’s say the local school board is debating whether to ban certain books from school libraries. Many residents representing both sides of the issue are at the meeting. The reporter may have strong feelings about the subject. Nevertheless, they should interview people who support the ban and those who oppose it. And when they write their story, they should convey both arguments in neutral language, giving both sides equal space. A Reporter’s Conduct Objectivity and fairness apply not only to how a reporter writes about an issue but to how they conduct themselves in public. A reporter must not only be objective and fair but also convey an image of being objective and fair. At the school board forum, the reporter may do their best to interview people from both sides of the argument. But if in the middle of the meeting, they stand up and start spouting their own opinions on the book ban their credibility is shattered. No one will believe they can be fair and objective once they know where they stand. A Few Caveats There are a few caveats to remember when considering objectivity and fairness. First, such rules apply to reporters covering hard news, not to the columnist writing for the op-ed page or the movie critic working for the arts section. Second, remember that ultimately, reporters are in search of the truth. While objectivity and fairness are important, a reporter shouldn’t let them get in the way of finding the truth. Let’s say you’re a reporter covering the final days of World War II and are following the Allied forces as they liberate the concentration camps. You enter one such camp and witness hundreds of gaunt, emaciated people and piles of dead bodies. Do you, in an effort to be objective, interview an American soldier to talk about how horrific this is, then interview a Nazi official to get the other side of the story? Of course not. Clearly, this is a place where evil acts have been committed, and it’s your job as a reporter to convey that truth. In other words, use objectivity and fairness as tools to find the truth.
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